The idea of a forming a business was to try and give the care and attention that an individual needs to recover post brain injury, or from a condition that has long term affects for their quality of life. Utilising knowledge and experience from lots of different areas and providing a holistic approach to rehabilitation for our clients.
After lots of thoughts and bouncing around ideas in search for the perfect name, the name that fitted with our ideology was Orchid. The Orchid is a beautiful plant and has the ability to grow anywhere and even when you think it has died it can regenerate and bloom again into beautiful bright vibrant colours. When it looks as if there is no hope and the plant has withered and turned brown and dry. With the right care, food, light, and water the plant can then start to sprout again and out of nowhere growth occurs. Once that first sign of growth starts there is then no stopping the potential of how the plant can regenerate, it will overcome restrictions in space to wind its way to find the sunlight.
We believe that with the right therapy and support, our clients can overcome the challenges they face from their health issues. In our treatments, we maximise the theory of Neuroplasticity, where the brain and nervous system have the ability to change, adapt and sprout new pathways. This theory can be used to treat any injury that has affected the brain or nervous system, or to change habitual movement patterns in chronic conditions and beliefs in overcoming fatigue. As the brain has potential to change and form new pathways. This can create a more efficient and effective way of using your body.
We chose the word Rehabilitation rather than Physiotherapy Services as we felt Rehabilitation encompassed more of what we offer our clients. We look at all aspects of each individual’s needs and adapt our practice to work with their physical ability, taking into account communication and cognition. Therefore, we help the person grow in a way that is right for them which addresses the physical, the mind and the spirit.
Orchid and Rehabilitation compliment each other as they are both words that talk about regeneration and re-growth encompassing what we do for each individual that we treat after an injury, life changing event or disease.